In October I was cliche. I did all the cliche activities of fall and Halloween, took all the cliche pictures. BUT I love all the cliches so I embraced fall in its fullest.
I even started Fall this year with a FALL DAY. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a full day dedicated to fall activities and fall food. It's a tradition I'm starting. For fall day, Michaela, Tyler, Ashlyn, Cheyenne and I had a nice fall breakfast. We ate pumpkin muffins, pumpkin french toast and chocolate milk. Then, Tyler, Anna, Michaela and I took a fall drive up the mountains through the trees of changing colors, and took nice fall pictures.
Anna, Michaela, and I on Fall Day!
Every October is also General Conference. My sister's and I were able to go to a session. It was beautiful and the spirit was strong.
Michaela, Ashlyn, and I at Temple Square.
Ever since school started I've been on a crazy internship hunt for a Supply Chain internship for this upcoming Summer. BYU's supply chain program shoots for 100% placement every year and they are really interested in you getting a good internship. BYU really does hook you up. As part of my internship hunt I've been going to different info sessions for big companies that come and recruit from BYU, sending in tons of resumes (a resume that I spent hours perfecting), and participating in interviews. I had the opportunity to be flown out for a second interview with Koch industries. They paid for my flight, rental car, a nice hotel, all my meals, and gave me a visa gift card with extra cash on it just in case I had to pay for anything else in my travels. In the airport I met Allison, another girl from BYU who was going to interview with Koch as well. We hung out for the two days we were in Kansas and went to target, watched tv at the hotel, went to the koch dinner the night before, and sat by each other on the flights back, I was glad I met her on the way there, it made the trip so fun! A few weeks after this trip I received a call from Koch offering me an internship for a Supply Chain Analyst position this summer in Minneapolis! I am so grateful and excited for this opportunity. I am so blessed by the Lord and can't express enough gratitude for all he has given me.

Allison and I in the rental car.
Complimentary Koch mug with chocolates at the Hotel.
"We are Koch" sign at the airport.
And most exciting of all, I officially started my business Krave Supply. I am bringing back the fanny pack so it fits today's style. I haven't started selling them yet but I received the samples so I can start advertising. It's been my dream for so long to start my own business. I am so excited about it all.
The pac is most definitely back.
My good friends helping me model the Krave pacs.
To end October my friends, and I celebrated Halloween. Loving Taylor Swift and all, we dressed up as the cast from her music video Bad Blood. I think we nailed the costumes.
Bad Blood Ft. Kendrick Lamar
Me and Ry.